Thursday, March 19, 2009

79% Support U.S. Troops on the Border to Fight Drug Violence

According to Rasmussen...

79% Support U.S. Troops on the Border to Fight Drug Violence

Seventy-nine percent (79%) of U.S. voters now say the military should be used along
the border with Mexico to protect American citizens if drug-related violence
continues to grow in that area. This marks a 21-point jump in support for the use
of the U.S. military along the border in just two months.

All I have to say about this is....legalize these drugs and you'll see the drug-related violence decrease. Common sense people. Or is it uncommon sense? Because common sense doesn't seem to be too common anymore.


Anonymous said...

I really wish George Carlin was still around. He's been calling this shit for years.

Stunatra said...

Me too! I miss that old fuck.